Tuesday 11 September 2018

Remove special characters - Groovy Script -SAP HCI/CPI

We had a requirement to remove the special characters in the field in mapping and also remove the prefix "0".

After this if the value starts with 63 or 61 then + should be added at prefix and send to target field

Note: You can find the usage for if condition, replaceAll, startsWith, replaceFirst function, concat, Boolean function






import com.sap.it.api.mapping.*;
def String customFunc(String arg1){
def str5 = ''
def str4 = '+'
// Remove the special characters
       def str2 = arg1.replaceAll("[\\*\\?/()\\-\\^!@_+%.&#a-zA-Z]","")
// remove the leading zero's
def str3 = str2.replaceFirst ("^0*", "")
//condition to check the 63 or 61
if (str3.startsWith("63") || str3.startsWith("61"))
   str5 = str4.concat(str3)

return str5



import com.sap.it.api.mapping.*;
def String customFunc(String arg1, String arg2, String arg3){
def len1
def len2
len1 = arg1.length()
len2 = arg2.length()
if( len1 > 0 )
def str2 = arg1.replaceAll("[\\*\\?/()\\-\\^!@_+%.&#a-zA-Z]","")
def str3 = str2.replaceFirst ("^0*", "")
def str5
def str6
def str7
if (str3.startsWith("63") || str3.startsWith("61"))
    def str4 = "+"
    str5 = str4.concat(str3)
return str5  
    if( (len2 == 0) && (arg3 == "Melbourne" || arg3 == "Sydney"  )){
  str6 = "+61"
  str7 = str6.concat(str3)
  return str7
                return arg1