Friday 14 December 2018

SCI -Tenant Text Update - English master

SAP Cloud Identity Tenant Text Key value pair Cloud Platform Identity Authentication


logon.ui.label.login=Log On

logon.ui.label.logout=Log Out

logon.ui.label.linkAccounts=Link Accounts


logon.ui.label.user=E-mail, ID, or Login Name



logon.ui.label.forgotpassword=Forgot password?

logon.ui.label.forgotpasswordLink=Forgot Password

logon.ui.label.rememberme=Remember me

logon.ui.label.notRegisteredYet=Not registered yet?

logon.ui.label.registerNow=Register Now

logon.ui.label.twoFactorAuthenticationTitle=Two-Factor Authentication

logon.ui.label.twoFactorAuthenticationDescription=Please enter time-based passcode generated by your mobile device to proceed.

logon.ui.label.twoFactorAuthenticationEnabledDescription=The {0} application requires time-based two-factor authentication. You can register a device on your <a href\="/" target\="_blank">Profile page.</a>

logon.ui.label.rsaTwoFactorAuthenticationDescription=Please enter code generated by your RADIUS Server token to proceed. Enter the code according to the token type requirements.

logon.ui.label.passcodeAccepted=Passcode accepted. Enter your logon password.

logon.ui.label.newUserRegisterWithSocialSignOn=Register Now

logon.ui.label.verifyTelephoneTitle=Verify Your Telephone Number

logon.ui.label.verifyTelephoneDescription=The {0} application requires telephone verification. We have sent a code to your telephone number. Please enter the received code and choose Continue.

logon.ui.label.changeTelephoneMessage=You can change your telephone number. Please type: +(country code) followed by the area code without the leading zero, and the subscriber number. Example: +(XXX) XXX XXXXXXX



logon.ui.label.sendNewCode=New Code

logon.ui.label.logonToLinkWithSocialSignOn=Enter your logon details and choose Link Accounts.  Alternatively, to create a new account that is linked to your {0} account, click the Register Now link below.

logon.ui.label.linkAccountWithTwitter=Log On with Twitter

logon.ui.label.linkAccountWithFacebook=Log On with Facebook

logon.ui.label.linkAccountWithGoogle=Log On with Google

logon.ui.label.linkAccountWithLinkedIn=Log On with LinkedIn


logon.ui.tooltip.SOCIAL_NOT_ALLOWED=The site you are attempting to access requires your password.  Enter your password and click Continue.

logon.ui.tooltip.MISSING_GOOGLE_PLUS_PROFILE=This Google account has not joined Google yet. Join Google and link your account, or log on with an existing account.

logon.ui.errormessage.BAD_CREDENTIALS=Sorry, we could not authenticate you. Try again.

logon.ui.errormessage.ACCOUNT_LOCKED=Sorry, your account is currently locked and cannot be used to log on.

logon.ui.errormessage.NOT_AUTHORIZED=Sorry, but you are currently not authorized for access

logon.ui.errormessage.TECHNICAL_ERROR=An error occurred, try again.

logon.ui.errormessage.INVALID_CERTIFICATE=Sorry, the certificate you have used to log on is not valid.

logon.ui.errormessage.INVALID_TICKET=Sorry, the link you have clicked is no longer valid.

logon.ui.errormessage.PASSWORD_LOCKED=Sorry, your account was temporarily locked because of too many failed attempts to log on. Your account will be automatically unlocked in {0} minutes.

logon.ui.errormessage.GENERIC=An error occurred. Try again.

logon.ui.errormessage.LOCKED_OTP_CODE=Sorry, two-factor authentication is temporarily locked because of too many failed logon attempts. It will be automatically unlocked in 60 minutes.

logon.ui.errormessage.INVALID_OTP_CODE=Wrong passcode; enter the passcode again

logon.ui.errormessage.PASSCODE_LOCKED=Your account has been temporarily locked because of too many failed attempts. Your account will be automatically unlocked in 10 minutes.

logon.ui.errormessage.RSA_CODE_NOT_PROVIDED=Radius Server code not provided. Please enter your code.

logon.ui.errormessage.RSA_CODE_REJECTED=Wrong Radius Server code. Please enter new code and try again.

logon.ui.errormessage.SECURE_ID_SERVER_TIMEOUT=A problem occurred. Please try again later or contact your system administrator.

logon.ui.errormessage.SECURE_ID_SERVER_COMMUNICATION_ERROR=A problem occurred. Please try again later or contact your system administrator.

logon.ui.errormessage.SECURE_ID_SERVER_NOT_CONFIGURED=SecurID server is not configured. Please contact your system administrator.

logon.ui.errormessage.WRONG_USERNAME_PASSCODE=Wrong user name or passcode

logon.ui.errormessage.MAX_SENT_REACHED_SMS_CODE=We did not send you a code, because you have reached the limit of 5 codes. Please contact your system administrator.

logon.ui.errormessage.SMS_CODE_NOT_SENT_DUPLICATE=Your telephone number is already verified by another user. Please change your telephone number or contact your system administrator.

logon.ui.errormessage.INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER=Your telephone number is invalid. Please change and try again.

logon.ui.errormessage.FAILED_SEND_SMS_CODE=We couldn't send you a code. Please check your telephone number and try again.

logon.ui.errormessage.FAILED_VALIDATE_SMS_CODE=We couldn't validate your code. Please try again.

logon.ui.errormessage.INVALID_SMS_CODE=You have entered a wrong code. Please try again.

logon.ui.errormessage.INVALID_SMS_CODE_MAX_ATTEMPTS=You have entered a wrong code. You have no more attempts for this code. Please choose New Code to get a new one.

logon.ui.infomessage.NEW_SMS_CODE_SENT=We have sent you a new code.


accountActivation.accountSuccessfullyActivated=Account Successfully Activated

accountActivation.accountSuccessfullyLinked=Account Successfully Linked

accountActivation.accountSuccessfullyLinkedWith=Account Linked to {0}

accountActivation.ui.label.activationsuccesstext=Thank you for registering and activating your account

accountActivation.ui.label.linkingtext=Your accounts are now linked and {0} log on is enabled for supported sites.


accountActivation.mail.subject=SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication Account Activation

invitation.mail.subject=You are invited to {0}

tou.termsAndConditions=Terms and Conditions

tou.termsOfUse=Terms of Use

tou.ui.label.version=Version {0}

tou.ui.label.confirmationtext=I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of <a target\="_blank" id\="touLink" href\="{1}">{0}</a>.


tou.ui.message.scrollToBottom=Scroll to the bottom of the terms of use and click the box to accept.

onbehalfupdate.ui.label.headline=Activate Your Account

onbehalfupdate.ui.label.message1=An account has been created for you with SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication for use with {0}. The account information we already have for you is below.

onbehalfupdate.ui.label.message2=To begin using your account for {0}, set a password below.

onbehalfupdate.ui.label.firstname=First Name

onbehalfupdate.ui.label.lastname=Last Name



onbehalfupdate.ui.label.legaldisclosure=Legal Disclosure

onbehalfupdate.ui.errormessage.retypeDoesNotMatch=Entered passwords do not match; enter passwords again

onbehalfupdate.ui.errormessage.insufficientPasswordComplexity=Insufficient password complexity; check password requirements

onbehalfupdate.ui.errormessage.passwordCouldNotBeValidated=Could not update user

forgottenpassword.resetPassword=Reset Your Password

forgottenpassword.resetPassword.text=Reset the password for your account {0}:

forgottenpassword.typeRetypePassword=Enter and re-enter your new password.

changepassword.changePassword=Change Your Password

changepassword.typeRetypePassword=Enter and re-enter your new password.

changepassword.ui.infomessage.insufficientPasswordComplexity=Your password is not strong enough.

changepassword.ui.infomessage.passwordLocked=Your password has been locked.

changepassword.ui.infomessage.passwordTooNew=Your password can only be changed once every {0} hours and has already been changed during this period.

changepassword.ui.infomessage.passwordTooOld=Your password is more than {0} months old.

changepassword.ui.infomessage.passwordNotUsed=You have not logged on with your password during the last {0} months.

forgottenpassword.validation.passwordNotComplexEnough=Password must comply with the requirements

forgottenpassword.validation.passwordsDoNotMatch=Must match the password

forgottenpassword.validation.invalidInput=Invalid input

forgottenpassword.ui.errormessage.emailNotFound=No account found for this e-mail address.

forgottenpassword.ui.errormessage.accountNotFound=No account found for the data you entered.

forgottenpassword.ui.errormessage.forbidden=Passwords can only be changed once every {0} hours.

forgottenpassword.ui.errormessage.userinactive=Your account has been locked by an administrator. This may be because you have not yet activated the account by clicking on the link in the e-mail sent to you after registration.

forgottenpassword.ui.errormessage.couldNotBeValidated=Could not validate password.

forgottenpassword.ui.errormessage.passwordInHistory=This password is already in your password history. Choose a different password.

forgottenPasswordMailConfirm.forgotPasswordConfirm=Confirm Forgotten Password

forgottenPasswordMailConfirm.forgotYourPassword=Forgot My Password

forgottenPasswordMailConfirm.emailSent=If an account exists, an e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent.

forgottenPasswordMailConfirm.clickTheLink=Click the link contained in the e-mail and you will be forwarded to a page where you can reset your password. The link in the e-mail will expire {0}.


informAboutPasswordStatus.infoPasswordStatusPage=Password Status Page

informAboutPasswordStatus.passwordNeedsReset=Your Password Needs to Be Reset

informAboutPasswordStatus.emailSent=An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to {0}.

informAboutPasswordStatus.text=Your password has not been used for over {0} months. To help maintain your security, your password needs to be reset. We have sent an e-mail to your e-mail address containing a link to a page where you can reset your password. The link in the e-mail will expire {0}.

informAboutPasswordStatus.reason.passwordNotUsed=Your password has not been used for over {0} months.

informAboutPasswordStatus.reason.insufficientComplexity=Your password does not meet the password complexity requirements.

informAboutPasswordStatus.maintainSecurity=To help maintain your security, your password needs to be reset. We have sent an e-mail to your e-mail address containing a link to a page where you can reset your password. The link in the e-mail will expire {0}.

passwordForm.invalidInput=Invalid input


policyaccept.acceptPolicy=Accept Policy

policyaccept.ui.label.headline=Privacy policy for {0}

policyaccept.ui.label.accessMessage=To access and use {0}, read and accept the privacy policy below.

policyaccept.ui.label.version=Version {0}




policyaccept.ui.errormessage.accepttoproceed=To proceed, accept the privacy policy.

policyaccept.ui.errormessage.markcheckbox=To accept the privacy policy, click the checkbox.

document.ui.label.headline=Legal Disclaimers for {0}

document.ui.label.accessUse=To access and use {0}, read and accept the legal documents below. acknowledge that I have read <a target\="_blank" href\="{1}">{0}s Privacy Statement</a>

upgraderegistration.upgradeAccount=Upgrade Your Account

upgraderegistration.ui.label.register=Save and Continue

upgraderegistration.ui.label.upgradeAccountFor=Upgrade Your Account for {0}

upgraderegistration.ui.label.upgraderegistrationtext=To use your account with {0}, provide the required information below.

upgradeRegistrationConfirmation.accountSuccessfullyActivated=Account Successfully Activated

upgradeRegistrationConfirmation.accountUpgraded=Thank you for registering and activating your account with SAP Store.

upgradeRegistrationConfirmation.accountUpgraded.text=This account can also be used to access other SAP platforms such as, SAP Community Network, and SAP Cloud applications.


upgradeRegistrationInformMailStatus.mailNotVerifiedStatus=Verify Your E-Mail

upgradeRegistrationInformMailStatus.mailSentTo=A link to verify your e-mail has been sent to {0}.

upgradeRegistrationInformMailStatus.mailSentTo.text=To verify your e-mail, click the link sent to you. Note that it might take a few minutes for the e-mail with the link to reach your inbox.



relationshipToSAP.prospectiveCustomer=Prospective Customer


relationshipToSAP.prospectivePartner=Prospective Partner





relationshipToSAP.employee=SAP Employee

select.number_employees.UP_TO_50=1 - 49

select.number_employees.UP_TO_100=50 - 99

select.number_employees.UP_TO_250=100 - 249

select.number_employees.UP_TO_500=250 - 500

select.number_employees.UP_TO_1000=501 - 999



registerForm.validation.max.size=The value must not have more than {max} characters.

registerForm.validation.required=Required field

registerForm.validation.invalidMail=Enter a valid e-mail address.

registerForm.validation.invalidTelephone=Enter a valid telephone number, using only brackets and hyphens to separate digits.

registerForm.validation.duplicateDisplayName=The display name you have chosen is already in use. Choose a different display name.

registerForm.validation.duplicateUserName=The user name you have chosen is already in use. Choose a different user name.



registerForm.validation.accept.terms.of.use=To accept the terms of use, check the box

registerForm.validation.accept.privacy.statement=To accept the privacy statement, click the box above

registerForm.validation.accept.privacy.statement.enterprise=To accept the privacy statement, check the box

registerForm.validation.passwordsDoNotMatch=Must match the password

registerForm.validation.passwordNotComplexEnough=The password must comply with the requirements

registerForm.validation.passwordPolicyLoadError=The required password policy cannot be loaded. Please contact your system administrator.

registerForm.validation.contactPrefEmail=Do you want to be contacted by e-mail?

registerForm.validation.contactPrefPhone=Do you want to be contacted by phone?

registerForm.validation.invalidPostalCode=ZIP/postal code must match country

registerForm.validation.select_state=Select a state

registerForm.validation.userNameCharRestriction=The user name needs to start with lower case characters a-z, numbers 0-9 and may contain in addition the following symbols: .-_

registerForm.validation.userNameUniqueRestriction=An account already exists with that user name



registerForm.registerForSPinfo=To register for {0}, provide the required information below.


registerForm.tellUsAboutYourself=Tell Us About Yourself


registerForm.firstName=First Name

registerForm.middleName=Middle Name

registerForm.lastName=Last Name

registerForm.userName=User Name

registerForm.chooseUsernamePassword=Set Password

registerForm.loginname=Login Name

registerForm.displayname=Display Name


registerForm.repeatpassword=Re-Enter Password

registerForm.passwordHint.musstText=Your password must:

registerForm.passwordHint.length=Your password must be at least {0} characters long

registerForm.passwordHint.includeText=and include three of the following:

registerForm.passwordHint.uppercaseLetters=Uppercase letters

registerForm.passwordHint.lowercaseLetters=Lowercase letters



registerForm.tellUsAboutYourCompany=Tell Us About Your Company

registerForm.streetAddress=Street Address

registerForm.streetAddress2=Street Address 2

registerForm.postalcode=ZIP/Postal Code



registerForm.relationshipToSAP=Relationship to SAP

registerForm.jobFunction=Job Function

registerForm.futureContactPrefs=Contact Preferences

registerForm.futureContactPrefs.text=In addition to communications that will result from this registration, would you also like to receive news and event notifications from SAP that are specific to your interests?

registerForm.viaEmail=By e-mail

registerForm.viaTelephone=By telephone


registerForm.privacy.text=I acknowledge that I have read <a id\="pdLink" href\="" target\="_blank">SAP's Privacy Statement</a> and consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Statement. This includes, without limitation, that SAP may collect, store and process any personal data voluntarily provided by me on this Web site and aggregate it with other personal data that I provided to SAP on earlier occasions by the <a href\="\#purpose" target\="_blank">methods and for the purposes</a> described in the Privacy Statement and on this Web site. In accordance with the terms of the Privacy Statement and on this Web site, SAP may further track my use of SAP's Web sites and aggregate it with my personal data. I acknowledge that I can, at any time, request information on my personal data held by SAP and that I can have SAP update and correct such data and withdraw my consent given hereby by contacting SAP at <span class\="safermailto"></span>.

registerForm.privacy.text.enterprise=I have read the <a id\="pdLink" href\="{1}" target\="_blank" style\="text-decoration:underline;">Privacy Statement</a> and consent to this agreement.

registerSuccess.thankyou=Thank you for registering with {0}

registerSuccess.thankyou.enterprise=Thank you for registering with {0}

registerSuccess.emailSent=An e-mail with a link to activate your account has been sent to {0}

registerSuccess.activateAccount=To activate your account, click the link contained in the e-mail. Note that it might take a few minutes for the e-mail to reach your inbox.

registerSuccess.activateAccount.enterprise=To activate your account, click the link contained in the e-mail. Note that it might take a few minutes for the e-mail to reach your inbox. for

ResourceType.RESOURCE_TERMS_OF_USE=Terms Of Use

ResourceType.RESOURCE_TERMS_OF_USE.for=Terms of Use for {0}

ResourceType.RESOURCE_PRIVACYPOLICY=Privacy Policy

ResourceType.RESOURCE_PRIVACYPOLICY.for=Privacy Policy for {0}

createForgottenPasswordMail.forgotPassword=Forgot My Password

createForgottenPasswordMail.forgotPassword.text=Enter your credentials below and click Send. An e-mail with a link to a page where you can reset your password will be sent. Note that the e-mail might take a few minutes to reach your inbox.

createForgottenPasswordMail.user=E-mail / Login Name / User ID


errorPage.errorPage=Error Page



errorPage.errorId=Error ID: {0}

errorPage.errorMessage=An error occurred. If you need support, send an e-mail to <span class\="safermailto" data-safermailto-recipient\="sso" data-safermailto-subject\="SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication Error"></span> selected social sign-on service is currently unavailable. Use a different social sign-on or your credentials to log on.

token.invalid=Your e-mail activation link is invalid or already used.

token.expired=Your e-mail activation link has expired. A new e-mail has automatically been sent. To activate your account, click the link in the new e-mail.

token.expired.resetPassword=Your reset password link has expired. A new e-mail has automatically been sent. To reset your password, click the link in the new e-mail.

general.auth.request.error=Identity Provider could not process the authentication request received. Delete your browser cache and stored cookies, and restart your browser. If you still experience issues after doing this, please contact your administrator.

idp.proxy.response.error=Identity provider cannot process the response due to wrong configuration. Please contact your system administrator.

idp.initiated.sso.disabled.error=IdP-initiated SSO has been disabled by your system administrator

provisioningInfo.accountProvisioning=Account Activation

provisioningInfo.enableAccount=Activating Your Account

provisioningInfo.enablingAccount=Activating your account for {0}...

provisioningInfo.enablingAccount.text=Your account is currently being enabled for {0}. This may take a few seconds, please wait.

provisioningTimeout.errorPage=Error Page

provisioningTimeout.errorOccurred=Account Activation Failure

provisioningTimeout.accountNotActivated=Your account could not be activated.

provisioningTimeout.loginIn15minutes=To activate your account, contact {0}.

profileManagement.title=Profile Management


profileManagement.main.description=Your global SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication profile information is displayed below

profileManagement.multipleaaccounts.message=There are multiple accounts using the e-mail address {0}:

profileManagement.multipleaaccounts.headline=Your Accounts

profileManagement.multipleaaccounts.table.heading.userId=User ID

profileManagement.multipleaaccounts.table.heading.activeFor=Active for


profileManagement.multipleaaccounts.table.lineMarker.loggedOn=Logged On

profileManagement.multipleaaccounts.selectionMessage=When logging on with e-mail and password, log on to:{0} Active

profileManagement.multipleaaccounts.notActive=Not yet active for {0}

profileManagement.mydata.headline=My Data

profileManagement.mydata.description=Click "View" to open a printable overview of all the data on file for you or click "Download" to save it in a machine-readable JSON format.

profileManagement.editPersonalInfo.headline=Personal Information

profileManagement.editPersonalInfo.label.firstName=First Name

profileManagement.editPersonalInfo.label.lastName=Last Name

profileManagement.editPersonalInfo.label.userId=User ID


profileManagement.editPersonalInfo.timezone=Time Zone


profileManagement.editPersonalInfo.changeNameFailed=Could not change your personal information.

profileManagement.companyInformation.headline=Company Information

profileManagement.companyInformation.companyCountry=Company Country

profileManagement.companyInformation.companyCity=Company City

profileManagement.contactPreferences.headline=Contact Preferences

profileManagement.contactPreferences.message.explanatoryText=In addition to communications that will result from this registration, would you also like to receive news and event notifications from SAP that are specific to your interests?

profileManagement.socialSignOn.headline=Social Sign-On

profileManagement.socialSignOn.linktext.withHandle=Your account is currently linked to {1} user <strong>{0}</strong>.

profileManagement.socialSignOn.linktext=Your account is currently linked to {1}.

profileManagement.socialSignOn.unlinkWarning=Choose "Unlink" to remove your social logon information from your account. You can re-link your account the next time you log on with a social sign-on-enabled site.

profileManagement.socialSignOn.nolinktext=Your account does not currently use social sign-on. To link your account with a social sign-on provider, click one of the social network buttons next time you log on.


profileManagement.passwordChange.description.allowed=Your password grants you access to any platform connected to SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication. Note that your password can only be changed once every {0} hours.

profileManagement.passwordChange.description.disabled=Your password has been disabled and you cannot use it for authentication. You can enable it using the Enable Password link below or using the Forgot Password link on the login page. 

profileManagement.passwordChange.button.changePassword=Change Password

profileManagement.passwordChange.label.currentPassword=Current Password

profileManagement.passwordChange.button.disablePassword=Disable Password

profileManagement.passwordChange.message.disablePassword=Your password is enabled. You can disable it if you are not using it for authentication. You can always enable it again from this page or using the Forgot Password link on the login page. 

profileManagement.passwordChange.label.passwordStatus=Password Status



profileManagement.passwordChange.button.enablePassword=Enable Password

profileManagement.passwordChange.label.newPassword=New Password

profileManagement.passwordChange.label.retypeNewPassword=Re-enter New Password

profileManagement.passwordChange.passwordRequirements.mustContain=Your password must contain at least eight characters including three of:

profileManagement.passwordChange.passwordRequirements.upperCase=Uppercase letters

profileManagement.passwordChange.passwordRequirements.lowerCase=Lowercase letters



profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed=Could not change your password.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.notAuthenticated=Could not be verified.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.retypeDoesNotMatch=Does not match the new password.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.insufficientPasswordComplexity=Insufficient password complexity.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.passwordPolicyLoadError=The required password policy cannot be loaded. Please contact your system administrator.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.passwordInHistory=The password must be different from the last {0} passwords.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.passwordLocked=The account is locked. The password must be reset.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.passwordDisabled=Password has been disabled. You need to reset it.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.passwordNotUsed=The password has expired. It must be reset.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.passwordTooNew=The password has already been changed in the last {0} hours.

profileManagement.errormessage.changePasswordFailed.passwordTooOld=The password has expired. It must be reset.

profileManagement.errormessage.changeCompanyInformationFailed=Could not change your company information.

profileManagement.errormessage.changeContactPreferenceFailed=Could not change your contact preferences

profileManagement.errormessage.userUpdateError=Could not update the user. Please try again.

profileManagement.errormessage.socialUnlinkError=Could not unlink the social account. Please try again.

profileManagement.errormessage.duplicateDisplayName=The display name you have chosen is already in use. Choose a different display name.

profileManagement.errormessage.duplicate.username=An account already exists with that user name; register a different user name or sign on with that user name

profileManagement.errormessage.duplicate.telephone=An account has already verified that telephone number; choose a different telephone number or contact an administrator

profileManagement.successmessage.changePassword=Your password was changed.

profileManagement.successmessage.disablePassword=Your password has been disabled.

profileManagement.passwordChange.infoMessage.disablePassword.terminateSessions=Once you have disabled the password, you will be logged off from all sessions that you opened with the old password

profileManagement.passwordChange.infoMessage.changePassword.terminateSessions=Once you have changed the password, you will be logged off from all sessions that you opened with the old password

profileManagement.platforms.headline=Your Platforms Community Network Business Center Store EcoHub Search Streamwork

profileManagement.twoFactor.title.section=Two-Factor Authentication

profileManagement.twoFactor.noActiveDevices=To access applications that require two-factor authentication, you need to activate a mobile device to generate passcodes. No devices are currently activated for two-factor authentication.

profileManagement.twoFactor.title.howto=How to activate Two-Factor Authentication for your device have a device configured for two-factor authentication



profileManagement.twoFactor.message.sapAuthenticator=SAP Authenticator is required to enable two-factor authentication and to scan the QR code on your device. Versions of the iOS app are available in the <a href\="" target\="_blank">Apple App Store (SM)</a> and versions of the Android app are available in <a href\="\" target\="_blank">Google Play (TM)</a>.

profileManagement.twoFactor.message.trademarks=Apple and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.

profileManagement.twoFactor.step.scanCode=Scan the key by tapping the "Scan QR Code" button in the SAP Authenticator app on your device, or enter the key manually

profileManagement.twoFactor.step.generateCode=Once you have scanned or entered the key, enter the passcode generated by the SAP Authenticator app on your device below and click "Activate".

profileManagement.twoFactor.message.deactivateDevices=Are you sure you want to deactivate all mobile devices configured for two-factor authentication? If you cannot provide a passcode for deactivation, contact your system administrator. Enter a passcode to proceed.

profileManagement.twoFactor.yourSecretKey=Your Secret Key


ui.unique.checks.MESSAGE_TO_SHORT=Query too short

ui.unique.checks.MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_FIELD=Unknown field

ui.unique.checks.MESSAGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_QUERY_FOR_GIVEN_FIELD=Query not implemented for given field

ui.unique.checks.duplicate.mail=This e-mail address has already been registered. {0} or use {1} to access your account.

ui.unique.checks.duplicate.username=An account already exists with that user name; register a different user name or sign on with that user name

ui.unique.checks.duplicate.displayname=An account already exists with that display name; enter a different display name

mmc.titleTextKey=MMC Form

mmc.headlineTextKey=We Are Updating Our Records

mmc.mainMessageTextKey=So that we can continue to provide you with the most relevant content for your business needs, please update your information and accept our Privacy and Web Tracking Policy.


resendMailConfirm.emailSent=Your activation token has expired. A new e-mail has been sent to you.

resendMailConfirm.headline=Activate Your Account

multiaccount.alert.title=Multiple Accounts

multiaccount.alert.message=To log onto the SAP Store, click Continue. If you encounter a problem, it could be because there are multiple accounts registered to your e-mail address.  Set or change your default SAP Store account from your <a href\="/" target\="_blank">SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication Profile</a>.  <strong>If you change your default SAP Store account, you will need to log off and log on again.</strong>

multiaccount.alert.checkbox=Do not show this message again.

samlRedirect.authnRequest.title=SAML Authentication Request from SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication

samlRedirect.authnRequest.message.default=Your authentication request has been forwarded to the target system for processing.

samlRedirect.response.title=SAML Response from SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication

samlRedirect.response.message.default=You have now been authenticated. Your request has been forwarded to the target system for processing.

samlRedirect.logoutRequest.title=SAML Logout Request from SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication

samlRedirect.logoutRequest.message.default=Your logout request has been forwarded to the target system for processing.

samlRedirect.logoutResponse.title=SAML Logout Response from SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication

samlRedirect.logoutResponse.message.default=You have now been logged out. Your request has been forwarded to the target system for processing.

userDataViewer.title=User Data Viewer

userDataViewer.searchbox.label.userid=User ID


userDataViewer.resultlist.label.userid=User ID

userDataViewer.resultlist.label.firstName=First Name

userDataViewer.resultlist.label.lastName=Last Name



userDataViewer.resultlist.label.SAPStoreRole=SAP Store Role

profileManagement.mobileapps.headline=Authorized Mobile Applications


linkSocialSignOnAccount.headline=Link your account with {0}

linkSocialSignOnAccount.button.register=Create New Linked Account

linkSocialSignOnAccount.headline2=You were authenticated by {0}, {1}.

linkSocialSignOnAccount.headline3=You were authenticated by {0}.

linkSocialSignOnAccount.message=As a final step, you can either link an existing account to your {0} account, or create a new account that will be linked to your {0} account.



linkSocialSignOnAccount.message.unlink=You can unlink your accounts again at any time on your

linkSocialSignOnAccount.message.profile=Profile Page Conflict

invitationConflict.headline=You are already logged in

invitationConflict.question1=You are trying to activate an account other than the one you are currently logged in to. You can either stay logged in to your current account and abort the activation, or log out and continue activating the other account. If you choose the second option, you will have to log out manually and then log in to your application with the new account.

invitationConflict.question2=You are trying to reset a password for an account other than the one you are currently logged in to. You can either stay logged in to your current account and abort the activation, or log out and continue resetting the password of the other account.

invitationConflict.continueInvitationProcess=Log Out & Continue

invitationConflict.cancelInvitationProcess=Stay Logged In Conflict

invitationConflictCancel.headline1=Activation Canceled

invitationConflictCancel.headline2=Password Reset Canceled

invitationConflictCancel.message1=You have chosen to stay logged in and to cancel activating an account. You can use the link provided in the e-mail later.

invitationConflictCancel.message2=You chose to stay logged in and to cancel resetting a password. You can use the link to reset your password provided in the e-mail later.

userData.title=User Data

userData.main.headline=Your Profile Information

userData.label.uid=User ID



userData.label.mailVerified=Mail verified

userData.label.mailVerifiedTime=E-mail verified time

userData.label.valid_from=User Profile valid from

userData.label.valid_to=User Profile valid to





userData.label.firstName=First Name

userData.label.middleName=Middle Name

userData.label.lastName=Last Name

userData.label.loginName=Login Name

userData.label.displayName=Display Name

userData.label.userName=User Name

userData.label.hasPassword=Password Set

userData.label.hasOtpSecretKey=OTP Secret Set

userData.label.contactId=Contact ID Code


userData.label.street=Street Address

userData.label.street2=Street Address 2


userData.label.telephoneVerified=Telephone verified

userData.label.telephoneVerificationAttempts=Telephone Verification Attempts


userData.label.language=Preferred Language

userData.label.personnelNumber=Personal Number

userData.label.sapName=SAP Name

userData.label.timeZone=Time Zone


userData.label.industryCrm=Industry CRM


userData.label.companyEmployees=Company Number of Employees

userData.label.companyCity=Company City

userData.label.companyCountry=Company Country

userData.label.companyRegion=Company State/Province

userData.label.companyStreet=Company Street Address

userData.label.companyStreet2=Company Street Address 2

userData.label.companyZip=Company ZIP/Postal Code

userData.label.companyurl=Company URL

userData.label.companyCode=Company Code

userData.label.costCenter=Cost Center

userData.label.managerUid=Manager ID


userData.label.addinfo=Add Information

userData.label.areasofexpertise=Areas of Expertise


userData.label.instantMessagingID=Instant Messaging ID

userData.label.instantmessagingtype=Instant Messaging Type

userData.label.otherinstantmessagingid=Other Instant Messaging ID

userData.label.otherinstantmessagingtype=Other Instant Messaging Type

userData.label.weblogurl=Weblog URL

userData.label.personalurl=Personal URL

userData.label.othermail=Other Mail


userData.label.jobFunction=Job Function

userData.label.photoUrl=Photo URL

userData.label.contactPreferenceEmail=Contact preference by e-mail

userData.label.contactPreferenceTelephone=Contact preference by telephone

userData.label.modifyTime=Modify Time

userData.label.createTime=Create Time

userData.label.loginTime=Login Time

userData.label.updateTime=Update Time

userData.label.passwordPolicy=Password Policy

userData.label.passwordSetTime=Password Set At

userData.label.passwordLoginTime=Password Login At

userData.label.passwordLockedTime=Password Locked At

userData.label.passwordStatus=Password Status

userData.label.passwordFailedLoginAttempts=Password Failed Login Attempts

userData.label.otpFailedLoginAttempts=OTP Failed Login Attempts

userData.label.otpUsedPasscodeTime=OTP Used At

userData.label.otpLockedTime=OTP Locked At

userData.label.spUser.ServiceProviderName=SP User Service Provider Name

userData.label.spUser.NameID=SP User NameID

userData.label.spUser.Status=SP User Status

userData.label.spUser.Role=SP User Role

userData.label.spUser.valid_to=SP User Valid To

userData.label.spUser.valid_from=SP User Valid From

userData.label.spUser.ActivationTime=SP User Activation Time

userData.label.spUser.spCustomAttribute1=Application Custom Attribute 1

userData.label.spUser.spCustomAttribute2=Application Custom Attribute 2

userData.label.spUser.spCustomAttribute3=Application Custom Attribute 3

userData.label.spUser.spCustomAttribute4=Application Custom Attribute 4

userData.label.spUser.spCustomAttribute5=Application Custom Attribute 5

userData.label.companyGroups=Company Groups

userData.label.corporateGroups=Corporate Groups

userData.label.customAttribute1=User Custom Attribute 1

userData.label.customAttribute2=User Custom Attribute 2

userData.label.customAttribute3=User Custom Attribute 3

userData.label.customAttribute4=User Custom Attribute 4

userData.label.customAttribute5=User Custom Attribute 5

userData.label.customAttribute6=User Custom Attribute 6

userData.label.customAttribute7=User Custom Attribute 7

userData.label.customAttribute8=User Custom Attribute 8

userData.label.customAttribute9=User Custom Attribute 9

userData.label.customAttribute10=User Custom Attribute 10


userData.label.privacyPolicy=Privacy Policy

userData.label.termsOfUse=Terms of Use


userData.label.alternativeLoginId=Alternative Login ID

userData.label.publicAttributes=Public Attributes

userData.label.socialIdentities=Social Identities

userData.label.socialIdentitiesMap=Social Identities Map

error.ui.errormessage.idpSsesionExpired=Your session has expired. Please log on again.

error.ui.errormessage.idpSessionExpiredUserActivation=Your session has expired. Open the e-mail for your account activation and follow the link in it to re-activate your account.

error.ui.errormessage.idpSessionExpiredPasswordReset=Your session has expired. Open the e-mail for your password reset and follow the link in it to reset your password. requested URL could not be found on this server.

error.ui.clickjacking.error=Your domain is not trusted. Please contact your system administrator.

sci_eu_data_protection.headline=European Union (EU) Access Mode

sci_eu_data_protection.message=This SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication landscape is operated and supported in European Union (EU) Access mode. Please confirm that you are either physically located in EU or that you have positively verified that EU access restrictions do not apply in your situation. Your confirmation will be logged.



error.ui.errormessage.untrustedTargetUrl=Your registration failed because the page you have to be redirected to is not trusted. Please contact your system administrator.

error.ui.errormessage.invalidTargetUrl=Your registration failed because the URL of the redirect page is invalid. Please contact your system administrator.

error.ui.errormessage.disabledUserRegistration=The application does not allow user self-registration. Please contact your system administrator.

error.ui.errormessage.invalidServiceProvider=Identity provider cannot process the request due to wrong configuration. Please contact your system administrator.

error.ui.errormessage.invalidOpenIDProvider=OpenID provider cannot process the request due to wrong configuration. Please contact your system administrator.

flashes.error_validating_captcha=We are unable to validate your Captcha protection at the moment. Please try again later.

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