Monday 26 August 2019

Past 3 Hours based filter in Groovy script in SCPI/HCI

We could follow the below code for the different logic covered.

1. Timer is 15 mins in the iflow and if hours = 00,09,12,15,18 only then the router triggers the message.
2. HTTP query formed in the iflow.
3. Current date time - one hour and Current date time - one day.

Groovy Script:

import java.util.HashMap;
def Message processData(Message message) {

def cal = Calendar.instance;
def date = cal.time;
def dateFormat1 = 'yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss';

def datemin = '14';
def dateFormat = '00';

def dayFormat = 'dd';

def curhour =Integer.parseInt(date.format(dateFormat));

// Current datetime hour - 3 hours

def hour =Integer.parseInt(date.format(dateFormat)) -03;

//Current date - 1 day (previous day)
def pastday=Integer.parseInt(date.format(dayFormat)) -1;

def min=Integer.parseInt(date.format(datemin));

def flag;

def curDateTime = "";

curDateTime ='' + date.format(dateFormat1)+'';

def curDatePastOneHour = curDateTime.substring(0,11)+hour+curDateTime.substring(13,curDateTime.length());

def curDatePastOneDay = curDateTime.substring(0,8)+pastday+curDateTime.substring(10,curDateTime.length());

// Need a validation in my logic to send in router, if hours equals 00, only once the flow should run
if (dateFormat=='00' && datemin<='14')


flag = '00'


// HTTP Query formation to filter the data from current datetime - previous one hour and status Failed

def datequery = "((LogStart ge datetime"+"'"+curDatePastOneHour+"'"+") and (LogEnd le datetime"+"'"+curDateTime+"'"+"))"+" and CustomStatus eq 'FAILED'"

//Set property for the query



flag = '11'



// Interface runs every 15 mins(Timer) - Logic should run only once at the hours equals 00,09,12,15,18. every hour has 4 times - i.e HH:mm - 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, 00:45

if((dateFormat=='00' && datemin<='14') || (dateFormat=='09' && datemin<='14') || (dateFormat=='12' && datemin<='14') || (dateFormat=='15' && datemin<='14') || (dateFormat=='18' || dateFormat=='21'))


flag = '22'

// HTTP Query formation to filter the data from current datetime - previous one day and status is completed

def datequerycount = "((LogStart ge datetime"+"'"+curDatePastOneDay+"'"+") and (LogEnd le datetime"+"'"+curDateTime+"'"+"))"+" and Status eq 'COMPLETED'"



flag = '33'






return message;


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